Metaverse: A Use Case Failure?
Conférence donnée dans le cadre du cycle de rencontres « The Metaverse Dialogues », Paris, Renaissance Numérique.
Le groupe de réflexion Renaissance Numérique organise une série d’ateliers avec des experts européens et internationaux pour discuter à la fois des opportunités offertes par l’émergence du métavers dans une approche centrée sur l’utilisateur, et des potentiels défis sociétaux, économiques et juridiques de son adoption à grande échelle.
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French think tank Renaissance Numérique is launching “The Metaverse Dialogues”. Over the course of five months, it will gather French, European and international high-level experts, including institutional players, device manufacturers, representatives of the video games and virtual worlds industry, major tech companies, big and smaller economic actors from other sectors, but also academic experts representing a wide spectrum of social sciences (anthropology, economy, political science, psychology, cognitive sciences, sociology…) and civil society representatives. During three one-day dialogues, they will engage in the constructive confrontation of their experience and knowledge, with a view to shed light on the technological, legal and societal issues that are emerging — and are likely to emerge — as the metaverse develops. For now, the metaverse agenda remains mainly dictated by the supply side, rather than demand, and users’ perspective is seldom considered in current public debates. With this international, multidimensional and multidisciplinary approach, Renaissance Numérique’s ambition is to put users at the centre of discussions.
- Adrien BASDEVANT, Lawyer, Member of the French National Digital Council (Conseil National du Numérique or CNNum)
- Antoine BORDES, Managing Director, FAIR, Meta AI
- Dominique BOULLIER, Professor, SciencesPo
- Clotilde BRIEND, Public Policy Manager, Meta
- Régis CHATELLIER, Innovation and Foresight Project Manager, Innovation Lab, CNIL
- Nicolas DE BOUVILLE, EMEA Privacy Policy Manager, Meta
- Isabel DE PEUTER-RUTTEN, Co-founder, Euromersive
- Lise HADDOUK, Psychologist
- Raphaële HÉNO, Head of Innovation, IGN (French national mapping agency)
- Henri ISAAC, Professor, Paris-Dauphine University
- Micaela MANTEGNA, Affiliate, Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University
- Anthony MASURE, Associate Professor and Head of Research, Geneva School of Arts and Design (HEAD – Genève, HES-SO)
- Leïla MÖRCH, Programme Manager Europe, Project Liberty
- David NAHON, Head of XR innovation, Dassault Systèmes; Secretary General, CNXR
- Xavier PERRET, Director, Azure & Support, Microsoft France
- Nicolas POUARD, Vice-president, Strategic Innovation Lab, Ubisoft